V-ray 2 SP2 2.20.03 for 3DsMax через торрент pb.wtf
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2012-02-05 08:56
V-ray 2 SP2 2.20.03 for 3DsMax Скачать торрент
V-ray 2 SP2 2.20.03 for 3DsMax (x64) (2011-2012) [Eng]
Год выпуска: 2011 Версия: 2.20.03 Разработчик: Chaos Group Совместимость с Vista: полная Системные требования: 3ds max 2011, 2012 x64 Язык интерфейса: Английский Таблэтка: Присутствует Описание: V-Ray — мощный инструмент визуализации, поддерживающий Depth of Field (глубина резкости), Motion Blur (эффект «размытия» в движении), Displacement (карта смещения, с увеличением детализации трехмерных объектов). Кроме этого, V-ray имеет собственные источники освещения, систему солнце-небосвод для реалистичного освещения естественным светом, и физическую камеру с параметрами, аналогичными реальным фото- и видеокамерам. Система Vray Proxy позволяет производить просчет чрезвычайно больших массивов однотипных объектов, состоящих суммарно из десятков миллиардов полигонов. Встроенные шейдеры предоставляют пользователю широкие возможности для имитации практически любых материалов. V-Ray SDK позволяет как программировать собственные шейдеры, так и адаптировать систему под решение специфических задач. Возможность просчитывать отдельные элементы изображения в виде каналов, таких как Глубина, Диффузный цвет, Альфа, Отражение, Преломление, Тени, и других, предоставляет большую свободу постобработки в пакетах композинга и монтажа.Скопировать содержимое директории Crack в папку с 3ds max (*) VRayHairMtl specifically for fur and hair rendering; (*) VRayOrnatrixMod modifier for direct rendering of Ornatrix hair; (*) VRayHairInfoTex texture for additional hair shading effects; (*) VRayPTex texture provides support for PTex files; (*) MaxScript functions for access to the V-Ray VFB contents; (*) V-Ray RT: added "Real zoom" option to the ActiveShade quad menu to modify the rendered region (zoom, pan) directly in the ActiveShade window; (*) MetaSL support in VRayGLSLMtl and VRayGLSLTex;
Modified features:
(*) V-Ray RT GPU: initial support for VRayBlendMtl materials; (*) V-Ray RT GPU: rendering of VRayProxy objects; (*) V-Ray RT GPU: support for affect diffuse/specular/reflection for VRayLights; (*) V-Ray RT GPU: support for simple skylight portals; (*) V-Ray RT GPU: support for textured area and mesh lights; (*) V-Ray RT GPU: limited support for the Falloff map; (*) V-Ray RT GPU: support for Tiles and other procedural textures (through baking to bitmaps); (*) V-Ray RT: ability to use the 3ds Max bitmap proxy system for the ActiveShade; (*) V-Ray RT: support for 32-bit ActiveShade buffer; (*) V-Ray RT: add a "Reload" button for VRayHDRI that works with V-Ray RT; (*) Distributed rendering: option to specify a maximum number of render slaves; (*) Distributed rendering: when a slave completes a DR render, it will automatically try to join other running DR jobs; (*) ply2vrmesh: added support for .bgeo files in ply2vrmesh; (*) ply2vrmesh: added -info option to ply2vrmesh to print information about .vrmesh files; (*) Irradiance map format (*.vrmap) has changed - map files from V-Ray 2.20 cannot be opened by previous V-Ray versions; (*) imapviewer: added -incremental command-line option and "File > Incremental add" menu item for incremental merge of irradiance maps produced by V-Ray 2.20; (*) imapviewer: added ability to load and display light cache files; (*) VRayMtl: added "Affect channels" option for reflections; (*) VRayGLSL: split into a VRayGLSLTex texture and a VRayGLSLMtl material; (*) VRayGLSLMtl: support for built-in BRDFs; (*) VRaySun: added filter color for VRaySun; (*) VRayMultiSubTex: added option to specify the number of IDs in VRayMultiSubTex; (*) VRayMultiSubTex: reworked the VRayMultiSubTex texture to use lists of properties, rather than separate parameters; (*) VRayFastSSS2: ability to save/load illumination maps for VRayFastSSS2 material; (*) VRayHDRI: add the "time" rollout for controlling IFL files to VRayHDRI; (*) VRayHDRI: support for tiled mip-mapped TIFF files; (*) VRayHDRI: optimized VRayHDRI bitmap performance; (*) VRayIES: expanded the "Use light shape" option for VRayIES to allow the shape to affect light distribution; (*) VRayBPTracer: support for distributed rendering; (*) VRayBPTracer: support for the VRayLightSelect render elements; (*) VRayDisplacementMod: added option to smooth UVs for subdivision displacement; (*) VRayLensEffects: improved multithreading for VRayLensEffects; (*) Optimized memory usage and multithreaded performance for dynamic geometry; (*) Optimized the VRay2SidedMtl material for GI calculations when translucency is greyscale; (*) Add an option to the VRaySamplerInfo render element and texture to wrap the UVW coordinates in the [0,1] range; (*) VFB: added ICC color correction to the V-Ray VFB; (*) VFB: added right-click menu to the items in the V-Ray VFB history; (*) VFB: right-click menu option to add and edit comments in V-Ray History per image; (*) VFB: ability to do A/B VFB comparison with a rendered image in the V-Ray VFB; (*) VFB: the frame stamp is now saved to and loaded from the V-Ray VFB history images; (*) When writing a raw .exr file, V-Ray will attempt to produce a scanline version of the file instead of tiled one; (*) Added a glossiness render element, also for texture baking; (*) Added a Clear option for the Previous render list in the System rollout; (*) Changed the default image sampler to Adaptive DMC; (*) Exposed the irradiance map preview mode parameter in the UI; (*) Reduced flickering of the irradiance map and light cache when "Time independent" DMC option is disabled; (*) Disable any HSDS modifiers before saving the scene for DR; (*) SDK: switched to Intel C++ 12.1 compiler; (*) SDK: shaders can provide their own sampling rays for GI; (*) SDK: multithreaded expansion of dynamic primitives;
Bug fixes: (*) Nitrous: VRayHDRI did not show up in Nitrous viewports; (*) Nitrous: support for the VRaySky environment texture in the Nitrous viewports; (*) Nitrous: the first time the user selects "Show realistic material in viewports" the objects with this material disappear; (*) The material texture maps were not shown in the Max2012 shaded viewport; (*) DR: fixed hanging buckets in specific cases; (*) DR: slaves with missing files continuously tried to re-join a DR render when "restart slaves on render end" was on and "Check for missing files" was enabled; (*) DR: if a render slave failed to receive the entire irradiance map from the client it still continued the render producing wrong buckets; (*) VRayBPTracer: region rendering did not work; (*) VRayFastSSS2 did not work correctly with light exclusion; (*) Assigning a texmap to material texmapslot caused a crash when the texmap was disabled; (*) Exclude from shadow casting did not work for VRayIES lights; (*) Fixed a crash when rendering with Particle Flow emitted from animated geometry; (*) Fixed a crash with VRaySun when the scene is rendered with the scanline renderer; (*) Fixed uneven motion blur for fast moving objects with many geometry samples; (*) Scrubbing the time slider created keys for the FOV parameter; (*) The .vrscene exporter script did not export the "cast shadows" property of lights correctly; (*) The .vrscene exporter script did not detect animated textures properly; (*) The .vrscene exporter script did not export correctly objects with animated topology; (*) VFB: Pressing the "set A" or "set B" button when the VFB history is empty lead to a crash; (*) VFB: Fixed a crash when importing specific .acv file; (*) Relative path names for raw image files did not work; (*) Crash with Particle Flow events in specific scene; (*) VRayFlakesMtl material did not work with the VRayMtlSelect render element; (*) Pixel Info window showed colors only for one image during A/B compare; (*) Fixed artifact with light portals; (*) The height parameter for VRayEnvironmentFog is now greyed out when there are gizmos attached; (*) VRayEnvironmentFog did not allow to pick multiple gizmos and lights through the "Select by Name" dialog; (*) Incorrect self-shadowing of hairs by themselves for VRayFur and the 3ds Max Hair & Fur modifier; (*) Mapped VRayLightMtl does not work as direct light if the color is set to black; (*) Hanging buckets with VRayBlendMtl material when one of the blend textures returns an invalid color; (*) VRayStereoscopic shademap files were not closed after reading; (*) VFB history did not display render times for history images; (*) Disappearing geometry when VRayVelocity pass is used; (*) Issues with the MAX.vray preset in 3ds Max 2012; (*) AA filter type not saved in V-Ray presets; (*) Loading a V-Ray preset does not respect the selected rollouts; (*) Scripted materials are not handled properly when assigned as sub-materials; (*) V-Ray RT: environment override slot in VRayMtl did not work with glossy materials; (*) V-Ray RT: DOF did not work with animated cameras; (*) V-Ray RT: gamma issues with the ActiveShade window; (*) V-Ray RT: IFL sequences did not work with VRayHDRI; (*) V-Ray RT: initialization error in stage 2 when Mix material is used as normal map; (*) V-Ray RT: differences in RT with 3dsmax Composite map; (*) V-Ray RT: environment override slot in VRayMtl materials doesn't work for glossy materials; (*) V-Rat RT GPU: OpenCL code failed to compile with the latest nVidia drivers; (*) V-Ray RT GPU: invisible dome lights were rendered as visible; Hello, An updated build, 2.20.02 is available now from the website, replacing the previous 2.20.01. The following critical issues were fixed:
(*) Problem with multi-byte characters for GI cache files, V-Ray proxy files etc. (*) Problem with material editor after rendering to a .vrimg file; (*) Crash with VRayLensEffects; (*) Issue with dome lights and GI on matte materials; (*) UI issue with VRayHairInfoTex; (*) V-Ray RT GPU: increasing GPU memory usage in animations; (*) V-Ray RT GPU: optimized version of the OpenCL code is now included;
Note: The nVidia drivers require about 4.5 GB of RAM to compile the optimized OpenCL code. Make sure you have it free.
Thanks to everyone who reported the issues and apologies for the inconvenience. (*) Hotfix deals with a multi-byte characters issue
Скачать V-ray 2 SP2 2.20.03 for 3DsMax через торрент
Скачать торрент V-ray 2 SP2 2.20.03 for 3DsMax , смотреть онлайн V-ray 2 SP2 2.20.03 for 3DsMax , бесплатно в хорошем качестве Описание: V-Ray — мощный инструмент визуализации, поддерживающий Depth of Field (глубина резкости), Motion Blur (эффект «размытия» в ...

2012-03-13 11:00
V-ray 2 SP2 2.20.03 for 3DsMax Скачать торрент
2012-03-16 10:03
V-ray 2 SP2 2.20.03 for 3DsMax Скачать торрент
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V-ray 2 SP2 2.20.03 for 3DsMax через торрент Скачать бесплатно V-ray 2 SP2 2.20.03 for 3DsMax V-ray 2 SP2 2.20.03 for 3DsMax скачать торрент V-ray 2 SP2 2.20.03 for 3DsMax смотреть онлайн Cкачать фильм V-ray 2 SP2 2.20.03 for 3DsMax бесплатно V-ray 2 SP2 2.20.03 for 3DsMax скачать торрент в хорошем качестве V-ray 2 SP2 2.20.03 for 3DsMax смотреть онлайн бесплатно в хорошем качестве
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